When it’s March but you’re parked in the mountains. #airstream #digitalnomad #snow
Another day, another #roadtrip. Unexpectedly back to southern NM but before we know it we’ll be heading north and west. #zcPNW adventures begin in less than 1 month. Until then we’ll be spending ample time with our friends & family & coworkers. #nmtrue
#homeiswhereyouparkit #digitalnomad #airstream #dogswhotravel
#joshuatree en route to PHX; my favorite stretch thx to my favorite plant. we spotted boondockers in the distance and I’m feeling more and more inspired to get out there.
Behind the scenes of a rockin’ #roadtrip. #Airstream in tow, #hkanderson pb pretzels, and #dogswhotravel. (This totally looks like product placement but you srsly gotta try those pretzels; best road trip snack ever.) #digitalnomad #fulltimerv #ontheroad
I was generally happy during my 6.5 years as a Las Vegas resident but I also felt trapped; I spent my spare time plotting how to escape and I’m pretty sure LV was the birthplace of our idea to full-time RV.
When we arrived in Las Vegas two weeks ago I had that familiar sinking feeling I had every time we would pull into town when we lived there. I joked with Zach by repeating “Get me outta here!” in response to everything when we first arrived.
But the last two weeks have totally changed my opinion of LV. Zach and I spent ample amounts of time visiting with good friends, eating at our favorite local restaurants, and enjoying the wealth of things to do. And it’s beautiful in its own way: tall buildings, interesting skyline, mountains and valleys.
Living there for a brief time with the opportunity to leave whenever I feel like it? That’s ideal. But isn’t that ideal anywhere? Another reason I love living the #fulltimerv life.
#digitalnomad #airstreaminmyrearview #thestrip #lasvegaslocals
mobile work station

Zach and I live on the go! Our entire life is portable so it’s only fitting that our workstations are compact and portable too.
As a full-time employee, one of my requirements for full-time RVing was an office space that I could easily set up and tear down. I want a comfortable work environment, but I also want to be sure that the RV doesn’t feel like all work all the time.
Zach and I (mostly Zach, I definitely benefit from his research) found a few amazing office supplies that perfectly fit this lifestyle; these supplies make for easy storage when the office is put away:
- portable monitor: this thing is slim, has a great picture, and is USB powered which means no extra plugs necessary!
- adjustable tablet stand: I’m not a fan of using the monitor case as a stand for the monitor, and this foldable stand is the perfect alternative.
- the roost stand: perfectly lifts my computer up to eye level and is super steady compared to how tiny it folds up.
- mini keyboard: I’ve had this since before the RV life; it’s as if it was meant to be.
My laptop plus all of the above mentioned items fit nicely into my Patagonia backpack and snugly into a cabinet. Which means I get to enjoy those sweet work-free moments with the office converted into a lovely, cozy lounge.
propane and propane accessories
After getting by for the summer and most of the fall on one tank of propane, I decided it was time to refill our empty tank before the other ran out. (Apparently you can get air in the lines, and it sounded like getting it out would create extra work, and I’m lazy.)
Disconnecting and reconnecting the tank for the first time was easy, but thanks to the dish soap leak test I discovered one of our [not that old] pigtail hoses had a leak. Luckily, the highly accommodating KOA in Shreveport, LA had a replacement hose in their RV accessories shop and even shared some teflon gas tape with me.
After I replaced the hose, checked for leaks, cleaned up, and put all my tools away, I decided it was the perfect time to check the other hose. That one was leaking, too, but replacing the pigtail hose assembly was just as easy the second time. So now our propane will stay in the gas lines, instead of making the air around our LP tanks highly flammable. It’s probably a minor repair for a seasoned RVer, but I’m happy that I learned to do it.
Hank Hill would be proud.