propane and propane accessories

After getting by for the summer and most of the fall on one tank of propane, I decided it was time to refill our empty tank before the other ran out. (Apparently you can get air in the lines, and it sounded like getting it out would create extra work, and I’m lazy.)

Disconnecting and reconnecting the tank for the first time was easy, but thanks to the dish soap leak test I discovered one of our [not that old] pigtail hoses had a leak. Luckily, the highly accommodating KOA in Shreveport, LA had a replacement hose in their RV accessories shop and even shared some teflon gas tape with me.

After I replaced the hose, checked for leaks, cleaned up, and put all my tools away, I decided it was the perfect time to check the other hose. That one was leaking, too, but replacing the pigtail hose assembly was just as easy the second time. So now our propane will stay in the gas lines, instead of making the air around our LP tanks highly flammable. It’s probably a minor repair for a seasoned RVer, but I’m happy that I learned to do it.

Hank Hill would be proud.


  1. oof, good job! gas is scary!

  2. Yikes, glad you figured that one out!

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