Tag: fulltimerv

jan 2 after 11 days off // at least I have a nice view
#workworkworkwork #digitalnomad #remotework #fulltimerv #airstreaminterior
Work all day, vacation all night.
Day one of our newest roadtrip.
Albuquerque -> Coeur d’Alene via Denver, Salt Lake City and Boise. Any recommendations for sights along the way? CO, UT or ID. (And next on the agenda is WA, OR, MT so tell me those too if you have em. Swoon.) #fulltimerv #roadtrip #airstream #liverivited #digitalnomad #sanantoniomountain
#joshuatree en route to PHX; my favorite stretch thx to my favorite plant. we spotted boondockers in the distance and I’m feeling more and more inspired to get out there.
Behind the scenes of a rockin’ #roadtrip. #Airstream in tow, #hkanderson pb pretzels, and #dogswhotravel. (This totally looks like product placement but you srsly gotta try those pretzels; best road trip snack ever.) #digitalnomad #fulltimerv #ontheroad
I was generally happy during my 6.5 years as a Las Vegas resident but I also felt trapped; I spent my spare time plotting how to escape and I’m pretty sure LV was the birthplace of our idea to full-time RV.
When we arrived in Las Vegas two weeks ago I had that familiar sinking feeling I had every time we would pull into town when we lived there. I joked with Zach by repeating “Get me outta here!” in response to everything when we first arrived.
But the last two weeks have totally changed my opinion of LV. Zach and I spent ample amounts of time visiting with good friends, eating at our favorite local restaurants, and enjoying the wealth of things to do. And it’s beautiful in its own way: tall buildings, interesting skyline, mountains and valleys.
Living there for a brief time with the opportunity to leave whenever I feel like it? That’s ideal. But isn’t that ideal anywhere? Another reason I love living the #fulltimerv life.
#digitalnomad #airstreaminmyrearview #thestrip #lasvegaslocals
I hadn’t been to Memphis nor seen family here since 2010. Too long. So today I’m thankful to be living a life in which Zach and I could purposely (/perfectly) route our visit to join their big Thanksgiving gathering. It’s obvious where Zach gets his good-natured (and v witty) personality when hanging out with his aunts and uncles and cousins. #digitalnomad #fulltimeRV #familytime #thankful
Purchased a new outdoor rug for the #airstream which prompted a photoshoot with the world’s best models.
Also, let it be known that Dakota is such a good dog and I appreciate her so much. The simple necessities like a good meal and comfy bed please her to pieces. She’s adapted to life on the road better than any of us. Wherever we go, she loves that she gets to go home.
#fulltimeRV #digitalnomad #homeiswhereyouparkit #rvdog #dogswhotravel #labmix #pekingesemix #travelingdog
After summering in New England, Zach and I have purposely landed in North Carolina this fall. We spent a week at Falls Lake State Park and despite my obsession with Durham, we continued on to a popular little RV park in Maggie Valley; what a wonderful time of year to be here. This desert girl has never experienced the season quite like this. We’ve driven the Blue Ridge Parkway during peak fall colors, explored the Great Smoky Mountains, discovered quaint Asheville neighborhoods, visited Harrah’s Cherokee (a hotel-casino Zach and I both supported during our various roles at the Caesars HQ in Vegas) and soon we’ll be taking contra dance lessons. But possibly most notably, today we tracked down a pumpkin patch/hay ride/corn maze to continue our yearly tradition of attending events typically geared toward families with children. #digitalnomad #fulltimeRV